Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Life is Interesting

Welcome to my blog. My life has been good thus far. I have three challenging and rewarding kids. My husband fits into that category also. Is life always rosy? No. All three of my children were born premature and had to spend time in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). My youngest son entered this world at a mere 1 lb. 13 oz. We spent 12 weeks in the NICU with him.
I may be biased, but I think my life is interesting. In my day job, I hear people complaining about the hand they feel they have been dealt. What I want to say to them but can't is, "buck up! Quit whining and take control of your life." There are plenty of reasons but very few excuses. Here is my challenge to everyone who reads this post: Dare to think of one negative trait you have. Write it down. In the next 48 hours clean it up. Just apply it to one issue one time and see how things change. For example: I am a procrastinator. I hate returning phone calls. So here is what I am going to do. I'm going to listen to all of my messages today and call everyone back immediately. Now, this may seem logical to you, but for someone who usually puts it off and makes "excuses" this is a step. Feel the stress lift away. Then send me a post to let me know how it went for you.